The Dad He Didn't Have to Be

Created by heidizahller 12 years ago
My Dad was the first consistant man in my life. He opened his home, his heart and love to me when I was 12. He always made sure my dreams came true; whether it was to be a cheerleader or go to a conference at 14 in the Catskills; run away to find myself, only to find myself back in his arms. He truly taught me what unconditional love meant. He was there to welcome his first grandchild, Hailee in 2001. Soon after my parents moved into the San Salvador house. It was a beautiful house located on a cul de sac in Scottsdale, AZ. My dad made that house a home. Every holiday he decorated, a front yard the neighbors were jealous of, a back yard the neighbors were envious of because that is where we made our memories, extremely loud and all. BBQs and Sunday dinners, birthdays...summer days in the pool. He always made sure his family was taken care of, yet he was forever humble about it. Never asking for accolades or a pat on the back. He was always cooking, and never turned anyone away. Having 4 girls must have been tough on him. Boyfriends come and go throught the years, he welcomed every one with a handshake and a made an effort, no matter his opinion. I was very fortunate to have the honor of my dad walking me down the aisle at my wedding 4 years ago. He cracked jokes the whole way down; knowing I was a little nervous. We had many arguements throughout our life, but that day we were just a father and daughter, sharing the love that we didn't often say enough to each other. We were closer in the years before he passed. We made sure we said we loved each other as much as possible. We had private talks that we could never have growing up. He were so much alike through osmosis. We shared the same stupid dry humor, we liked to experiment in cooking, we liked being crafty and generous with our love. Some thing you inherit through genes, some things you inherit by love. My daddy was a good man. He will be missed.

